LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lib/src/voip/models - call_membership.dart (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 68.3 % 63 43
Test Date: 2025-03-03 14:12:18 Functions: - 0 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart';
       2              : 
       3              : class FamedlyCallMemberEvent {
       4              :   final List<CallMembership> memberships;
       5              : 
       6            2 :   FamedlyCallMemberEvent({required this.memberships});
       7              : 
       8            0 :   Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
       9            0 :     return {'memberships': => e.toJson()).toList()};
      10              :   }
      11              : 
      12            2 :   factory FamedlyCallMemberEvent.fromJson(Event event) {
      13            2 :     final List<CallMembership> callMemberships = [];
      14            4 :     final memberships = event.content.tryGetList('memberships');
      15            2 :     if (memberships != null && memberships.isNotEmpty) {
      16            4 :       for (final mem in memberships) {
      17            2 :         if (isValidMemEvent(mem)) {
      18              :           final callMem =
      19            8 :               CallMembership.fromJson(mem, event.senderId,;
      20            2 :           if (callMem != null) callMemberships.add(callMem);
      21              :         }
      22              :       }
      23              :     }
      24            2 :     return FamedlyCallMemberEvent(memberships: callMemberships);
      25              :   }
      26              : }
      27              : 
      28              : class CallMembership {
      29              :   final String userId;
      30              :   final String callId;
      31              :   final String? application;
      32              :   final String? scope;
      33              :   final CallBackend backend;
      34              :   final String deviceId;
      35              :   final int expiresTs;
      36              :   final String membershipId;
      37              :   final List? feeds;
      38              : 
      39              :   final String roomId;
      40              : 
      41            2 :   CallMembership({
      42              :     required this.userId,
      43              :     required this.callId,
      44              :     required this.backend,
      45              :     required this.deviceId,
      46              :     required this.expiresTs,
      47              :     required this.roomId,
      48              :     required this.membershipId,
      49              :     this.application = '',
      50              :     this.scope = '',
      51              :     this.feeds,
      52              :   });
      53              : 
      54            2 :   Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
      55            2 :     return {
      56            4 :       'call_id': callId,
      57            4 :       'application': application,
      58            4 :       'scope': scope,
      59            8 :       'foci_active': [backend.toJson()],
      60            4 :       'device_id': deviceId,
      61            4 :       'expires_ts': expiresTs,
      62            2 :       'expires': 7200000, // element compatibiltiy remove asap
      63            4 :       'membershipID': membershipId, // sessionId
      64            2 :       if (feeds != null) 'feeds': feeds,
      65              :     };
      66              :   }
      67              : 
      68            2 :   static CallMembership? fromJson(Map json, String userId, String roomId) {
      69              :     try {
      70            2 :       return CallMembership(
      71              :         userId: userId,
      72              :         roomId: roomId,
      73            2 :         callId: json['call_id'],
      74            2 :         application: json['application'],
      75            2 :         scope: json['scope'],
      76            2 :         backend: (json['foci_active'] as List)
      77            6 :             .map((e) => CallBackend.fromJson(e))
      78            2 :             .first,
      79            2 :         deviceId: json['device_id'],
      80            2 :         expiresTs: json['expires_ts'],
      81              :         membershipId:
      82            2 :             json['membershipID'] ?? 'someone_forgot_to_set_the_membershipID',
      83            2 :         feeds: json['feeds'],
      84              :       );
      85              :     } catch (e, s) {
      86            0 :       Logs().e('[VOIP] call membership parsing failed. $json', e, s);
      87              :       return null;
      88              :     }
      89              :   }
      90              : 
      91            2 :   @override
      92              :   bool operator ==(other) =>
      93              :       identical(this, other) ||
      94            2 :       other is CallMembership &&
      95            6 :           runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
      96            6 :           userId == other.userId &&
      97            0 :           roomId == other.roomId &&
      98            0 :           callId == other.callId &&
      99            0 :           application == other.application &&
     100            0 :           scope == other.scope &&
     101            0 :           backend.type == other.backend.type &&
     102            0 :           deviceId == other.deviceId &&
     103            0 :           membershipId == other.membershipId;
     104              : 
     105            0 :   @override
     106            0 :   int get hashCode => Object.hash(
     107            0 :         userId.hashCode,
     108            0 :         roomId.hashCode,
     109            0 :         callId.hashCode,
     110            0 :         application.hashCode,
     111            0 :         scope.hashCode,
     112            0 :         backend.type.hashCode,
     113            0 :         deviceId.hashCode,
     114            0 :         membershipId.hashCode,
     115              :       );
     116              : 
     117              :   // with a buffer of 1 minute just incase we were slow to process a
     118              :   // call event, if the device is actually dead it should
     119              :   // get removed pretty soon
     120            2 :   bool get isExpired =>
     121            4 :       expiresTs <
     122            2 :
     123            2 :           .subtract(CallTimeouts.expireTsBumpDuration)
     124            2 :           .millisecondsSinceEpoch;
     125              : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1