LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lib/src - timeline.dart (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 65.3 % 288 188
Test Date: 2025-03-03 14:12:18 Functions: - 0 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *   Famedly Matrix SDK
       3              :  *   Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH
       4              :  *
       5              :  *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       6              :  *   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
       7              :  *   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
       8              :  *   License, or (at your option) any later version.
       9              :  *
      10              :  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      11              :  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      12              :  *   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
      13              :  *   GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
      14              :  *
      15              :  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
      16              :  *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
      17              :  */
      18              : 
      19              : import 'dart:async';
      20              : import 'dart:convert';
      21              : 
      22              : import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
      23              : 
      24              : import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart';
      25              : import 'package:matrix/src/models/timeline_chunk.dart';
      26              : 
      27              : /// Represents the timeline of a room. The callback [onUpdate] will be triggered
      28              : /// automatically. The initial
      29              : /// event list will be retreived when created by the `room.getTimeline()` method.
      30              : 
      31              : class Timeline {
      32              :   final Room room;
      33           27 :   List<Event> get events =>;
      34              : 
      35              :   /// Map of event ID to map of type to set of aggregated events
      36              :   final Map<String, Map<String, Set<Event>>> aggregatedEvents = {};
      37              : 
      38              :   final void Function()? onUpdate;
      39              :   final void Function(int index)? onChange;
      40              :   final void Function(int index)? onInsert;
      41              :   final void Function(int index)? onRemove;
      42              :   final void Function()? onNewEvent;
      43              : 
      44              :   StreamSubscription<Event>? timelineSub;
      45              :   StreamSubscription<Event>? historySub;
      46              :   StreamSubscription<SyncUpdate>? roomSub;
      47              :   StreamSubscription<String>? sessionIdReceivedSub;
      48              :   StreamSubscription<String>? cancelSendEventSub;
      49              :   bool isRequestingHistory = false;
      50              :   bool isRequestingFuture = false;
      51              : 
      52              :   bool allowNewEvent = true;
      53              :   bool isFragmentedTimeline = false;
      54              : 
      55              :   final Map<String, Event> _eventCache = {};
      56              : 
      57              :   TimelineChunk chunk;
      58              : 
      59              :   /// Searches for the event in this timeline. If not
      60              :   /// found, requests from the server. Requested events
      61              :   /// are cached.
      62            2 :   Future<Event?> getEventById(String id) async {
      63            4 :     for (final event in events) {
      64            4 :       if (event.eventId == id) return event;
      65              :     }
      66            4 :     if (_eventCache.containsKey(id)) return _eventCache[id];
      67            4 :     final requestedEvent = await room.getEventById(id);
      68              :     if (requestedEvent == null) return null;
      69            4 :     _eventCache[id] = requestedEvent;
      70            4 :     return _eventCache[id];
      71              :   }
      72              : 
      73              :   // When fetching history, we will collect them into the `_historyUpdates` set
      74              :   // first, and then only process all events at once, once we have the full history.
      75              :   // This ensures that the entire history fetching only triggers `onUpdate` only *once*,
      76              :   // even if /sync's complete while history is being proccessed.
      77              :   bool _collectHistoryUpdates = false;
      78              : 
      79              :   // We confirmed, that there are no more events to load from the database.
      80              :   bool _fetchedAllDatabaseEvents = false;
      81              : 
      82            1 :   bool get canRequestHistory {
      83            2 :     if (events.isEmpty) return true;
      84            0 :     return !_fetchedAllDatabaseEvents ||
      85            0 :         (room.prev_batch != null && events.last.type != EventTypes.RoomCreate);
      86              :   }
      87              : 
      88              :   /// Request more previous events from the server. [historyCount] defines how many events should
      89              :   /// be received maximum. [filter] allows you to specify a [StateFilter] object to filter the
      90              :   /// events, which can include various criteria such as event types (e.g., [EventTypes.Message])
      91              :   /// and other state-related filters. The [StateFilter] object will have [lazyLoadMembers] set to
      92              :   /// true by default, but this can be overridden.
      93              :   /// This method does not return a value.
      94            2 :   Future<void> requestHistory({
      95              :     int historyCount = Room.defaultHistoryCount,
      96              :     StateFilter? filter,
      97              :   }) async {
      98            2 :     if (isRequestingHistory) {
      99              :       return;
     100              :     }
     101              : 
     102            2 :     isRequestingHistory = true;
     103            2 :     await _requestEvents(
     104              :       direction: Direction.b,
     105              :       historyCount: historyCount,
     106              :       filter: filter,
     107              :     );
     108            2 :     isRequestingHistory = false;
     109              :   }
     110              : 
     111            0 :   bool get canRequestFuture => !allowNewEvent;
     112              : 
     113              :   /// Request more future events from the server. [historyCount] defines how many events should
     114              :   /// be received maximum. [filter] allows you to specify a [StateFilter] object to filter the
     115              :   /// events, which can include various criteria such as event types (e.g., [EventTypes.Message])
     116              :   /// and other state-related filters. The [StateFilter] object will have [lazyLoadMembers] set to
     117              :   /// true by default, but this can be overridden.
     118              :   /// This method does not return a value.
     119            1 :   Future<void> requestFuture({
     120              :     int historyCount = Room.defaultHistoryCount,
     121              :     StateFilter? filter,
     122              :   }) async {
     123            1 :     if (allowNewEvent) {
     124              :       return; // we shouldn't force to add new events if they will autatically be added
     125              :     }
     126              : 
     127            1 :     if (isRequestingFuture) return;
     128            1 :     isRequestingFuture = true;
     129            1 :     await _requestEvents(
     130              :       direction: Direction.f,
     131              :       historyCount: historyCount,
     132              :       filter: filter,
     133              :     );
     134            1 :     isRequestingFuture = false;
     135              :   }
     136              : 
     137            3 :   Future<void> _requestEvents({
     138              :     int historyCount = Room.defaultHistoryCount,
     139              :     required Direction direction,
     140              :     StateFilter? filter,
     141              :   }) async {
     142            4 :     onUpdate?.call();
     143              : 
     144              :     try {
     145              :       // Look up for events in the database first. With fragmented view, we should delete the database cache
     146            3 :       final eventsFromStore = isFragmentedTimeline
     147              :           ? null
     148            8 :           : await room.client.database?.getEventList(
     149            2 :               room,
     150            4 :               start: events.length,
     151              :               limit: historyCount,
     152              :             );
     153              : 
     154            2 :       if (eventsFromStore != null && eventsFromStore.isNotEmpty) {
     155              :         // Fetch all users from database we have got here.
     156            0 :         for (final event in events) {
     157            0 :           if (room.getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, event.senderId) != null) {
     158              :             continue;
     159              :           }
     160              :           final dbUser =
     161            0 :               await room.client.database?.getUser(event.senderId, room);
     162            0 :           if (dbUser != null) room.setState(dbUser);
     163              :         }
     164              : 
     165            0 :         if (direction == Direction.b) {
     166            0 :           events.addAll(eventsFromStore);
     167            0 :           final startIndex = events.length - eventsFromStore.length;
     168            0 :           final endIndex = events.length;
     169            0 :           for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
     170            0 :             onInsert?.call(i);
     171              :           }
     172              :         } else {
     173            0 :           events.insertAll(0, eventsFromStore);
     174            0 :           final startIndex = eventsFromStore.length;
     175              :           final endIndex = 0;
     176            0 :           for (var i = startIndex; i > endIndex; i--) {
     177            0 :             onInsert?.call(i);
     178              :           }
     179              :         }
     180              :       } else {
     181            3 :         _fetchedAllDatabaseEvents = true;
     182            6 :         Logs().i('No more events found in the store. Request from server...');
     183              : 
     184            3 :         if (isFragmentedTimeline) {
     185            1 :           await getRoomEvents(
     186              :             historyCount: historyCount,
     187              :             direction: direction,
     188              :             filter: filter,
     189              :           );
     190              :         } else {
     191            4 :           if (room.prev_batch == null) {
     192            0 :             Logs().i('No more events to request from server...');
     193              :           } else {
     194            4 :             await room.requestHistory(
     195              :               historyCount: historyCount,
     196              :               direction: direction,
     197            2 :               onHistoryReceived: () {
     198            2 :                 _collectHistoryUpdates = true;
     199              :               },
     200              :               filter: filter,
     201              :             );
     202              :           }
     203              :         }
     204              :       }
     205              :     } finally {
     206            3 :       _collectHistoryUpdates = false;
     207            3 :       isRequestingHistory = false;
     208            4 :       onUpdate?.call();
     209              :     }
     210              :   }
     211              : 
     212              :   /// Request more previous events from the server. [historyCount] defines how much events should
     213              :   /// be received maximum. When the request is answered, [onHistoryReceived] will be triggered **before**
     214              :   /// the historical events will be published in the onEvent stream. [filter] allows you to specify a
     215              :   /// [StateFilter] object to filter the  events, which can include various criteria such as
     216              :   /// event types (e.g., [EventTypes.Message]) and other state-related filters.
     217              :   /// The [StateFilter] object will have [lazyLoadMembers] set to true by default, but this can be overridden.
     218              :   /// Returns the actual count of received timeline events.
     219            1 :   Future<int> getRoomEvents({
     220              :     int historyCount = Room.defaultHistoryCount,
     221              :     direction = Direction.b,
     222              :     StateFilter? filter,
     223              :   }) async {
     224              :     // Ensure stateFilter is not null and set lazyLoadMembers to true if not already set
     225            1 :     filter ??= StateFilter(lazyLoadMembers: true);
     226            1 :     filter.lazyLoadMembers ??= true;
     227              : 
     228            3 :     final resp = await room.client.getRoomEvents(
     229            2 :,
     230              :       direction,
     231            3 :       from: direction == Direction.b ? chunk.prevBatch : chunk.nextBatch,
     232              :       limit: historyCount,
     233            2 :       filter: jsonEncode(filter.toJson()),
     234              :     );
     235              : 
     236            1 :     if (resp.end == null) {
     237            2 :       Logs().w('We reached the end of the timeline');
     238              :     }
     239              : 
     240            2 :     final newNextBatch = direction == Direction.b ? resp.start : resp.end;
     241            2 :     final newPrevBatch = direction == Direction.b ? resp.end : resp.start;
     242              : 
     243            1 :     final type = direction == Direction.b
     244              :         ? EventUpdateType.history
     245              :         : EventUpdateType.timeline;
     246              : 
     247            3 :     if ((resp.state?.length ?? 0) == 0 &&
     248            3 :         resp.start != resp.end &&
     249              :         newPrevBatch != null &&
     250              :         newNextBatch != null) {
     251            1 :       if (type == EventUpdateType.history) {
     252            0 :         Logs().w(
     253            0 :           '[nav] we can still request history prevBatch: $type $newPrevBatch',
     254              :         );
     255              :       } else {
     256            2 :         Logs().w(
     257            1 :           '[nav] we can still request timeline nextBatch: $type $newNextBatch',
     258              :         );
     259              :       }
     260              :     }
     261              : 
     262              :     final newEvents =
     263            6 : => Event.fromMatrixEvent(e, room)).toList();
     264              : 
     265            1 :     if (!allowNewEvent) {
     266            3 :       if (resp.start == resp.end ||
     267            2 :           (resp.end == null && direction == Direction.f)) {
     268            1 :         allowNewEvent = true;
     269              :       }
     270              : 
     271            1 :       if (allowNewEvent) {
     272            2 :         Logs().d('We now allow sync update into the timeline.');
     273            1 :         newEvents.addAll(
     274            5 :           await room.client.database?.getEventList(room, onlySending: true) ??
     275            0 :               [],
     276              :         );
     277              :       }
     278              :     }
     279              : 
     280              :     // Try to decrypt encrypted events but don't update the database.
     281            2 :     if (room.encrypted && room.client.encryptionEnabled) {
     282            0 :       for (var i = 0; i < newEvents.length; i++) {
     283            0 :         if (newEvents[i].type == EventTypes.Encrypted) {
     284            0 :           newEvents[i] = await room.client.encryption!.decryptRoomEvent(
     285            0 :             newEvents[i],
     286              :           );
     287              :         }
     288              :       }
     289              :     }
     290              : 
     291              :     // update chunk anchors
     292            1 :     if (type == EventUpdateType.history) {
     293            0 :       chunk.prevBatch = newPrevBatch ?? '';
     294              : 
     295            0 :       final offset =;
     296              : 
     297            0 :;
     298              : 
     299            0 :       for (var i = 0; i < newEvents.length; i++) {
     300            0 :         onInsert?.call(i + offset);
     301              :       }
     302              :     } else {
     303            2 :       chunk.nextBatch = newNextBatch ?? '';
     304            4 :, newEvents.reversed);
     305              : 
     306            3 :       for (var i = 0; i < newEvents.length; i++) {
     307            2 :         onInsert?.call(i);
     308              :       }
     309              :     }
     310              : 
     311            1 :     if (onUpdate != null) {
     312            2 :       onUpdate!();
     313              :     }
     314            2 :     return resp.chunk.length;
     315              :   }
     316              : 
     317            9 :   Timeline({
     318              :     required,
     319              :     this.onUpdate,
     320              :     this.onChange,
     321              :     this.onInsert,
     322              :     this.onRemove,
     323              :     this.onNewEvent,
     324              :     required this.chunk,
     325              :   }) {
     326           54 :     timelineSub =
     327           14 :       (event) => _handleEventUpdate(
     328              :         event,
     329              :         EventUpdateType.timeline,
     330              :       ),
     331              :     );
     332           54 :     historySub =
     333            6 :       (event) => _handleEventUpdate(
     334              :         event,
     335              :         EventUpdateType.history,
     336              :       ),
     337              :     );
     338              : 
     339              :     // If the timeline is limited we want to clear our events cache
     340           45 :     roomSub =
     341           53 :         .where((sync) => sync.rooms?.join?[]?.timeline?.limited == true)
     342           18 :         .listen(_removeEventsNotInThisSync);
     343              : 
     344            9 :     sessionIdReceivedSub =
     345           45 :;
     346            9 :     cancelSendEventSub =
     347           54 :;
     348              : 
     349              :     // we want to populate our aggregated events
     350           16 :     for (final e in events) {
     351            7 :       addAggregatedEvent(e);
     352              :     }
     353              : 
     354              :     // we are using a fragmented timeline
     355           27 :     if (chunk.nextBatch != '') {
     356            1 :       allowNewEvent = false;
     357            1 :       isFragmentedTimeline = true;
     358              :       // fragmented timelines never read from the database.
     359            1 :       _fetchedAllDatabaseEvents = true;
     360              :     }
     361              :   }
     362              : 
     363            4 :   void _cleanUpCancelledEvent(String eventId) {
     364            4 :     final i = _findEvent(event_id: eventId);
     365           12 :     if (i < events.length) {
     366           12 :       removeAggregatedEvent(events[i]);
     367            8 :       events.removeAt(i);
     368            6 :       onRemove?.call(i);
     369            6 :       onUpdate?.call();
     370              :     }
     371              :   }
     372              : 
     373              :   /// Removes all entries from [events] which are not in this SyncUpdate.
     374            2 :   void _removeEventsNotInThisSync(SyncUpdate sync) {
     375           15 :     final newSyncEvents = sync.rooms?.join?[]?.timeline?.events ?? [];
     376            4 :     final keepEventIds = => e.eventId);
     377            7 :     events.removeWhere((e) => !keepEventIds.contains(e.eventId));
     378              :   }
     379              : 
     380              :   /// Don't forget to call this before you dismiss this object!
     381            0 :   void cancelSubscriptions() {
     382              :     // ignore: discarded_futures
     383            0 :     timelineSub?.cancel();
     384              :     // ignore: discarded_futures
     385            0 :     historySub?.cancel();
     386              :     // ignore: discarded_futures
     387            0 :     roomSub?.cancel();
     388              :     // ignore: discarded_futures
     389            0 :     sessionIdReceivedSub?.cancel();
     390              :     // ignore: discarded_futures
     391            0 :     cancelSendEventSub?.cancel();
     392              :   }
     393              : 
     394            2 :   void _sessionKeyReceived(String sessionId) async {
     395              :     var decryptAtLeastOneEvent = false;
     396            2 :     Future<void> decryptFn() async {
     397            6 :       final encryption = room.client.encryption;
     398            6 :       if (!room.client.encryptionEnabled || encryption == null) {
     399              :         return;
     400              :       }
     401            7 :       for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
     402            4 :         if (events[i].type == EventTypes.Encrypted &&
     403            4 :             events[i].messageType == MessageTypes.BadEncrypted &&
     404            0 :             events[i].content['session_id'] == sessionId) {
     405            0 :           events[i] = await encryption.decryptRoomEvent(
     406            0 :             events[i],
     407              :             store: true,
     408              :             updateType: EventUpdateType.history,
     409              :           );
     410            0 :           addAggregatedEvent(events[i]);
     411            0 :           onChange?.call(i);
     412            0 :           if (events[i].type != EventTypes.Encrypted) {
     413              :             decryptAtLeastOneEvent = true;
     414              :           }
     415              :         }
     416              :       }
     417              :     }
     418              : 
     419            6 :     if (room.client.database != null) {
     420            8 :       await room.client.database?.transaction(decryptFn);
     421              :     } else {
     422            0 :       await decryptFn();
     423              :     }
     424            0 :     if (decryptAtLeastOneEvent) onUpdate?.call();
     425              :   }
     426              : 
     427              :   /// Request the keys for undecryptable events of this timeline
     428            0 :   void requestKeys({
     429              :     bool tryOnlineBackup = true,
     430              :     bool onlineKeyBackupOnly = true,
     431              :   }) {
     432            0 :     for (final event in events) {
     433            0 :       if (event.type == EventTypes.Encrypted &&
     434            0 :           event.messageType == MessageTypes.BadEncrypted &&
     435            0 :           event.content['can_request_session'] == true) {
     436            0 :         final sessionId = event.content.tryGet<String>('session_id');
     437            0 :         final senderKey = event.content.tryGet<String>('sender_key');
     438              :         if (sessionId != null && senderKey != null) {
     439            0 :           room.client.encryption?.keyManager.maybeAutoRequest(
     440            0 :   ,
     441              :             sessionId,
     442              :             senderKey,
     443              :             tryOnlineBackup: tryOnlineBackup,
     444              :             onlineKeyBackupOnly: onlineKeyBackupOnly,
     445              :           );
     446              :         }
     447              :       }
     448              :     }
     449              :   }
     450              : 
     451              :   /// Set the read marker to the last synced event in this timeline.
     452            2 :   Future<void> setReadMarker({String? eventId, bool? public}) async {
     453              :     eventId ??=
     454           12 :         events.firstWhereOrNull((event) => event.status.isSynced)?.eventId;
     455              :     if (eventId == null) return;
     456            4 :     return room.setReadMarker(eventId, mRead: eventId, public: public);
     457              :   }
     458              : 
     459            7 :   int _findEvent({String? event_id, String? unsigned_txid}) {
     460              :     // we want to find any existing event where either the passed event_id or the passed unsigned_txid
     461              :     // matches either the event_id or transaction_id of the existing event.
     462              :     // For that we create two sets, searchNeedle, what we search, and searchHaystack, where we check if there is a match.
     463              :     // Now, after having these two sets, if the intersect between them is non-empty, we know that we have at least one match in one pair,
     464              :     // thus meaning we found our element.
     465              :     final searchNeedle = <String>{};
     466              :     if (event_id != null) {
     467            7 :       searchNeedle.add(event_id);
     468              :     }
     469              :     if (unsigned_txid != null) {
     470            4 :       searchNeedle.add(unsigned_txid);
     471              :     }
     472              :     int i;
     473           28 :     for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
     474           21 :       final searchHaystack = <String>{events[i].eventId};
     475              : 
     476           21 :       final txnid = events[i].transactionId;
     477              :       if (txnid != null) {
     478            4 :         searchHaystack.add(txnid);
     479              :       }
     480           14 :       if (searchNeedle.intersection(searchHaystack).isNotEmpty) {
     481              :         break;
     482              :       }
     483              :     }
     484              :     return i;
     485              :   }
     486              : 
     487            4 :   void _removeEventFromSet(Set<Event> eventSet, Event event) {
     488            4 :     eventSet.removeWhere(
     489            4 :       (e) =>
     490            8 :           e.matchesEventOrTransactionId(event.eventId) ||
     491            4 :           event.unsigned != null &&
     492            8 :               e.matchesEventOrTransactionId(event.transactionId),
     493              :     );
     494              :   }
     495              : 
     496            9 :   void addAggregatedEvent(Event event) {
     497              :     // we want to add an event to the aggregation tree
     498            9 :     final relationshipType = event.relationshipType;
     499            9 :     final relationshipEventId = event.relationshipEventId;
     500              :     if (relationshipType == null || relationshipEventId == null) {
     501              :       return; // nothing to do
     502              :     }
     503            8 :     final events = (aggregatedEvents[relationshipEventId] ??=
     504            8 :         <String, Set<Event>>{})[relationshipType] ??= <Event>{};
     505              :     // remove a potential old event
     506            4 :     _removeEventFromSet(events, event);
     507              :     // add the new one
     508            4 :     events.add(event);
     509            4 :     if (onChange != null) {
     510            0 :       final index = _findEvent(event_id: relationshipEventId);
     511            0 :       onChange?.call(index);
     512              :     }
     513              :   }
     514              : 
     515            6 :   void removeAggregatedEvent(Event event) {
     516           18 :     aggregatedEvents.remove(event.eventId);
     517            6 :     if (event.transactionId != null) {
     518            6 :       aggregatedEvents.remove(event.transactionId);
     519              :     }
     520           16 :     for (final types in aggregatedEvents.values) {
     521            8 :       for (final events in types.values) {
     522            4 :         _removeEventFromSet(events, event);
     523              :       }
     524              :     }
     525              :   }
     526              : 
     527            7 :   void _handleEventUpdate(
     528              :     Event event,
     529              :     EventUpdateType type, {
     530              :     bool update = true,
     531              :   }) {
     532              :     try {
     533           28 :       if (event.roomId != return;
     534              : 
     535           10 :       if (type != EventUpdateType.timeline && type != EventUpdateType.history) {
     536              :         return;
     537              :       }
     538              : 
     539            7 :       if (type == EventUpdateType.timeline) {
     540            7 :         onNewEvent?.call();
     541              :       }
     542              : 
     543            7 :       if (!allowNewEvent) return;
     544              : 
     545            7 :       final status = event.status;
     546              : 
     547            7 :       final i = _findEvent(
     548            7 :         event_id: event.eventId,
     549            7 :         unsigned_txid: event.transactionId,
     550              :       );
     551              : 
     552           21 :       if (i < events.length) {
     553              :         // if the old status is larger than the new one, we also want to preserve the old status
     554           21 :         final oldStatus = events[i].status;
     555           14 :         events[i] = event;
     556              :         // do we preserve the status? we should allow 0 -> -1 updates and status increases
     557           14 :         if ((latestEventStatus(status, oldStatus) == oldStatus) &&
     558           11 :             !(status.isError && oldStatus.isSending)) {
     559           21 :           events[i].status = oldStatus;
     560              :         }
     561           21 :         addAggregatedEvent(events[i]);
     562            9 :         onChange?.call(i);
     563              :       } else {
     564            6 :         if (type == EventUpdateType.history &&
     565            6 :             events.indexWhere(
     566           12 :                   (e) => e.eventId == event.eventId,
     567            3 :                 ) !=
     568            3 :                 -1) {
     569              :           return;
     570              :         }
     571           12 :         var index = events.length;
     572            6 :         if (type == EventUpdateType.history) {
     573            6 :           events.add(event);
     574              :         } else {
     575            8 :           index = events.firstIndexWhereNotError;
     576            8 :           events.insert(index, event);
     577              :         }
     578           10 :         onInsert?.call(index);
     579              : 
     580            6 :         addAggregatedEvent(event);
     581              :       }
     582              : 
     583              :       // Handle redaction events
     584           14 :       if (event.type == EventTypes.Redaction) {
     585            6 :         final index = _findEvent(event_id: event.redacts);
     586            9 :         if (index < events.length) {
     587            9 :           removeAggregatedEvent(events[index]);
     588              : 
     589              :           // Is the redacted event a reaction? Then update the event this
     590              :           // belongs to:
     591            3 :           if (onChange != null) {
     592            3 :             final relationshipEventId = events[index].relationshipEventId;
     593              :             if (relationshipEventId != null) {
     594            0 :               onChange?.call(_findEvent(event_id: relationshipEventId));
     595              :               return;
     596              :             }
     597              :           }
     598              : 
     599            9 :           events[index].setRedactionEvent(event);
     600            4 :           onChange?.call(index);
     601              :         }
     602              :       }
     603              : 
     604            7 :       if (update && !_collectHistoryUpdates) {
     605            9 :         onUpdate?.call();
     606              :       }
     607              :     } catch (e, s) {
     608            0 :       Logs().w('Handle event update failed', e, s);
     609              :     }
     610              :   }
     611              : 
     612            0 :   @Deprecated('Use [startSearch] instead.')
     613              :   Stream<List<Event>> searchEvent({
     614              :     String? searchTerm,
     615              :     int requestHistoryCount = 100,
     616              :     int maxHistoryRequests = 10,
     617              :     String? sinceEventId,
     618              :     int? limit,
     619              :     bool Function(Event)? searchFunc,
     620              :   }) =>
     621            0 :       startSearch(
     622              :         searchTerm: searchTerm,
     623              :         requestHistoryCount: requestHistoryCount,
     624              :         maxHistoryRequests: maxHistoryRequests,
     625              :         // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
     626              :         sinceEventId: sinceEventId,
     627              :         limit: limit,
     628              :         searchFunc: searchFunc,
     629            0 :       ).map((result) => result.$1);
     630              : 
     631              :   /// Searches [searchTerm] in this timeline. It first searches in the
     632              :   /// cache, then in the database and then on the server. The search can
     633              :   /// take a while, which is why this returns a stream so the already found
     634              :   /// events can already be displayed.
     635              :   /// Override the [searchFunc] if you need another search. This will then
     636              :   /// ignore [searchTerm].
     637              :   /// Returns the List of Events and the next prevBatch at the end of the
     638              :   /// search.
     639            0 :   Stream<(List<Event>, String?)> startSearch({
     640              :     String? searchTerm,
     641              :     int requestHistoryCount = 100,
     642              :     int maxHistoryRequests = 10,
     643              :     String? prevBatch,
     644              :     @Deprecated('Use [prevBatch] instead.') String? sinceEventId,
     645              :     int? limit,
     646              :     bool Function(Event)? searchFunc,
     647              :   }) async* {
     648            0 :     assert(searchTerm != null || searchFunc != null);
     649            0 :     searchFunc ??= (event) =>
     650            0 :         event.body.toLowerCase().contains(searchTerm?.toLowerCase() ?? '');
     651            0 :     final found = <Event>[];
     652              : 
     653              :     if (sinceEventId == null) {
     654              :       // Search locally
     655            0 :       for (final event in events) {
     656            0 :         if (searchFunc(event)) {
     657            0 :           yield (found..add(event), null);
     658              :         }
     659              :       }
     660              : 
     661              :       // Search in database
     662            0 :       var start = events.length;
     663              :       while (true) {
     664            0 :         final eventsFromStore = await room.client.database?.getEventList(
     665            0 :               room,
     666              :               start: start,
     667              :               limit: requestHistoryCount,
     668              :             ) ??
     669            0 :             [];
     670            0 :         if (eventsFromStore.isEmpty) break;
     671            0 :         start += eventsFromStore.length;
     672            0 :         for (final event in eventsFromStore) {
     673            0 :           if (searchFunc(event)) {
     674            0 :             yield (found..add(event), null);
     675              :           }
     676              :         }
     677              :       }
     678              :     }
     679              : 
     680              :     // Search on the server
     681            0 :     prevBatch ??= room.prev_batch;
     682              :     if (sinceEventId != null) {
     683              :       prevBatch =
     684            0 :           (await room.client.getEventContext(, sinceEventId)).end;
     685              :     }
     686            0 :     final encryption = room.client.encryption;
     687            0 :     for (var i = 0; i < maxHistoryRequests; i++) {
     688              :       if (prevBatch == null) break;
     689            0 :       if (limit != null && found.length >= limit) break;
     690              :       try {
     691            0 :         final resp = await room.client.getRoomEvents(
     692            0 : ,
     693              :           Direction.b,
     694              :           from: prevBatch,
     695              :           limit: requestHistoryCount,
     696            0 :           filter: jsonEncode(StateFilter(lazyLoadMembers: true).toJson()),
     697              :         );
     698            0 :         for (final matrixEvent in resp.chunk) {
     699            0 :           var event = Event.fromMatrixEvent(matrixEvent, room);
     700            0 :           if (event.type == EventTypes.Encrypted && encryption != null) {
     701            0 :             event = await encryption.decryptRoomEvent(event);
     702            0 :             if (event.type == EventTypes.Encrypted &&
     703            0 :                 event.messageType == MessageTypes.BadEncrypted &&
     704            0 :                 event.content['can_request_session'] == true) {
     705              :               // Await requestKey() here to ensure decrypted message bodies
     706            0 :               await event.requestKey();
     707              :             }
     708              :           }
     709            0 :           if (searchFunc(event)) {
     710            0 :             yield (found..add(event), resp.end);
     711            0 :             if (limit != null && found.length >= limit) break;
     712              :           }
     713              :         }
     714            0 :         prevBatch = resp.end;
     715              :         // We are at the beginning of the room
     716            0 :         if (resp.chunk.length < requestHistoryCount) break;
     717            0 :       } on MatrixException catch (e) {
     718              :         // We have no permission anymore to request the history
     719            0 :         if (e.error == MatrixError.M_FORBIDDEN) {
     720              :           break;
     721              :         }
     722              :         rethrow;
     723              :       }
     724              :     }
     725              :     return;
     726              :   }
     727              : }
     728              : 
     729              : extension on List<Event> {
     730            4 :   int get firstIndexWhereNotError {
     731            4 :     if (isEmpty) return 0;
     732           16 :     final index = indexWhere((event) => !event.status.isError);
     733            9 :     if (index == -1) return length;
     734              :     return index;
     735              :   }
     736              : }

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